Check your work
You should now have:
- An initialized SDK with event handlers:
- A boolean feature flag:
Your copy of js/app.js
should look like this:
import config from './config.js';
import Runner from './runner.js';
// Copy the Client ID for your environment from
// The user object for flag evaluation (this is explained in lesson 3)
let lduser = {"key": "user123"};
// LDClient loads from a script tag in index.html.
// Initialize it with the client ID we defined above and the user object
const ldclient = LDClient.initialize(LD_CLIENT_ID, lduser);
// Locate the image elements in the document by their ID
// You can see these elements defined in index.html
const smallSprites = document.getElementById("resources-1x");
const largeSprites = document.getElementById("resources-2x");
// Locate the game name heading
const heading = document.getElementById("heading");
function drawGame() {
// Before we start the game, let's confirm that space mode is enabled for this user.
// We will use `false` as the fallback value, so that if the client fails
// to initialize or the flag has not yet been created, the game will use the dinosaur sprite sheet.
if (ldclient.variation("space-mode", false)) {
// Change the source URL used for the sprite sheets
smallSprites.src = "/images/100-percent/100-sprite-space.png";
largeSprites.src = "/images/200-percent/200-sprite-space.png";
// Change the game name heading
heading.innerText = "Toggle Runner";
const runner = new Runner('.interstitial-wrapper', config);
ldclient.on('ready', drawGame);
ldclient.on('change:space-mode', function (currentValue, previousValue) {
if (currentValue == true) {
// switch to Space Mode
smallSprites.src = "/images/100-percent/100-sprite-space.png";
largeSprites.src = "/images/200-percent/200-sprite-space.png";
// Change the game name heading
heading.innerText = "Toggle Runner";
else {
// switch to Dinosaur Mode
smallSprites.src = "/images/100-percent/100-sprite.png";
largeSprites.src = "/images/200-percent/200-sprite.png";
// Change the game name heading
heading.innerText = "T-Rex Runner";
// Both changes require the game to update
On the next page, we'll talk more about how LaunchDarkly works.